Introduction to E-GAS

E-GAS stands for an inno­va­ti­ve series of elec­tri­cal con­trol sys­tems from safe­tec, spe­ci­al­ly deve­lo­ped for the release of gases that are not CO2. The key advan­ta­ge of the­se ‘elec­tri­cal’ sys­tems is that tra­di­tio­nal pres­su­re pipes or draw wires are repla­ced by elec­tri­cal lines that are con­ti­nuous­ly moni­to­red. This not only sim­pli­fies instal­la­ti­on, but also signi­fi­cant­ly increa­ses the safe­ty of the enti­re system. 

Alarm devices can be con­nec­ted and acti­va­ted direct­ly, and ope­ra­ti­on is via user-fri­end­ly, com­pact elec­tri­cal release panels. The ope­ra­ti­on of the sys­tem, which strict­ly fol­lows the gui­de­lines of the FSS Code Chap­ter 5, ensu­res high relia­bi­li­ty and pre­vents fal­se activations.

Cont­act us Sys­tem components

We offer five dif­fe­rent vari­ants in the E-GAS pro­duct ran­ge. Three of the­se are desi­gned as decen­tra­li­zed sys­tems in which each pro­tec­ted area is indi­vi­du­al­ly equip­ped with the requi­red extin­gu­is­hing agent. 

The other two vari­ants are cen­tra­li­zed sys­tems that ope­ra­te in a simi­lar way to clas­sic CO2 sys­tems, but use non-lethal gases. Apart from the labe­l­ing, the­se are tech­ni­cal­ly iden­ti­cal to the sys­tems in our E-CO2 range. 

With the excep­ti­on of NOV-2-RP, all vari­ants can pro­tect up to 32 sec­tions, which offers a wide ran­ge of pos­si­ble appli­ca­ti­ons for dif­fe­rent ship types.

Services & Support

safe­tec offers solu­ti­ons for many appli­ca­ti­ons. Plea­se cont­act us direct­ly for advice and indi­vi­du­al solutions.

Our team is rea­dy to find the opti­mal solu­ti­on for your spe­ci­fic fire pro­tec­tion requirements.

Our ser­vices